Monday, August 3, 2009

Cheer up!

Anyway, some wishes and to-do-lists finally cleared today.

1. Finally met Clarence for breakfast but still nv talk much cos he too shy to talk. [ He ownself say de. ] And... NICE CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

2. Carried out my promise and called xB who sounded like he's a total lazy ass =x
And who is obviously late for sch on the first day... Gj.. LOL

3. Replied Mira today! LOL =3 And as I'm blogging, he said:
[みるみ]Wo ai ni ! Emil Online seems to be like one of the outdated MMOs. says (3:11 PM):
u cant always have friends with u
[みるみ]Wo ai ni ! Emil Online seems to be like one of the outdated MMOs. says (3:21 PM):
must see my dp
[みるみ]Wo ai ni ! Emil Online seems to be like one of the outdated MMOs. says (3:21 PM):
den u wont cry
[みるみ]Wo ai ni ! Emil Online seems to be like one of the outdated MMOs. says (3:21 PM):
see she so cute
I know you very bored at work! LOL! Ty for entertaining the very nonsensical me all the time! And.. I.. sometimes... really... love what you say (: As much as you wish you were a girl, LOL, I wish you were really one. =3

4. (: that Veron say first we can watch UP when it's out

5. Happy with my new fan!! So much more air ~

So with these mini updates, a reminder to self:

Don't be sad anymore CY!
Learn to accept that you're of no value and importance!
Learn NOT to take things too seriously!
Learn to realise that you're not needed!
Learn to find out about ALL THE TRUTHS!
Learn to have more time for friends!
Learn NOT to neglect your loves!
Learn to know karma!
Learn to HOPE you're appreciated!
Learn to hint for security and reassurance!
Learn to know what you expect!
Learn to tell yourself you're on your own!
Learn to get lost!
Learn to cheer up!
This is life!

Btw, answered le, see I so nice:

Answer me, how much do I mean to you?
[ When you self invite I can consider entertaining you if I feel like it lor. ]

Answer me, don't you feel like spending time with me?
[ When I feel like it lor - Woah big shot mah ]

Answer me, will you realise how easily I get hurt over the stupidest thing?
[ It's inherent and I so can't change. Tbh I run out of things to say. ]

Answer me, aren't you concerned why I'm disappointed?
[ It's inherent and I so can't change. Tbh I run out of things to say. ]


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