Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ritz Apple Strudel

Generous serving of diced apples. Very "thick" dessert, like so many layers. That's why the combination is so nice! Got apples, got crust, got custard, got cream, got sugar. Especially tasty when it's kept refrigerated for a few hours.

I particularly like the refreshing taste of chewing many diced apples at the same time, topped with some crust smell. Yummy!

I first tried apple strudels years back, but I don't know why I haven't been eating or seeing them around ever since then. It was only last Saturday after I tasted Ritz apple strudel, my apple strudel craving came back to me all over again.

And my boy went to buy it for me! Wheeeeeeee! I know it's exams period for him. That's why I'm particularly touched that he still brought the strudel to me. Thank you love! I shall stuff myself with this huge strudel for stay home night dessert, and probably I won't crave it for a while since it's such a huge portion.

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