Super high for the day! It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I always always look forward to weekends..... heheheheeheee....
Baby picked me up after work and we went for SOUP SPOON!!!!!!!! Cos we both super craving for it since 1000 yrs ago. Muahhahaa =D

SUPER DUPER GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So filling.... and satisfied!
Then we went bugis street.... and baby chose for me and bought me this super duper nice top.. super super my style type, peekture will be up next wed!!!! =D Baby also got me a robot / wall-E alike necklace.... LOL it's so cartoooooon!!
See... I so nice.. I only bought 2 things... HAHHAAHAHAA.... must not be impulsive so I will not regret.. Hehehe.. PCY is controlling herself well when she's out with baby... LOL
And we toooook neoprints!! Kinda small cos we liked most of the shots and chose all, but nvm next time we take bigger de =D
And mummy stalked me from home window at night to see if baby sends me home... HHAHHAAA I KNEW IT. Somebody super shy.... stand at my door 1 min say hello auntie and hello to my brother then run off le......... LOL
Life's so awesome... with baby. =)
I love his smses too... i like him nervous. he's so cute... baby yesterday said he will love me and dote me forever is his lifetime.... AHEM...... see.. I've recorded it down... so you cannot back out anymore...

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