Saturday, July 21, 2012

Racial Harmony Day

It was kinda an unfated scorching day.

First, I missed a free dark knight movie because I couldn't make it in time. Nevertheless, I couldn't be more than happy knowing I was the first being asked to watch the movie. "Be Happy." << Could you repeat this back to yourself? I want you happy! You're probably watching the movie as I'm typing this now. Haha. Did you managed to find someone else?

Next, I gave up a late night movie because I don't wanna sleep halfway throughout. Mehhhhhhhhh......... ok la it was just my book of excuses, page 101 *You-know-who* :x

Last, I still drool when I thought of the cold melting butter ya kun kaya toast that I had for tea break. And now, I totally reek of turtle soup still...

I had quite a fruitful day tho I should have went for both movies, I know. Bth myself! Oh, Happy Racial Harmony Day!

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